Insteon Lights Bright/Dim

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Insteon Lights Bright/Dim

Post by rrehart » Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:07 pm

I am trying to send a command to one of my insteon switches via the ISY994i controller, as per your example in the tutorials section of the forum,and cannot seem to get the app to do this. Here is what I have tried:

1. In a web browser on my PC, I sent: "http://admin@admin: 38 C7 1/cmd/BRT" (without the quotes) and it cam back: <RestResponse succeeded="true">

2. I then put that exact command (http://admin@admin: 38 C7 1/cmd/BRT) into a button ("Send data to a website") when released - nothing happens
3. I tried formatting the command like this: http://admin@admin: - nothing happens
4. I tried formatting the command like this: http://admin@admin: - nothing happens
5. Finally I tried formatting the command like this: http://admin@admin: - nothing happens

If I program a "scene" (http://admin:[email protected]/rest/nodes/12995/cmd/DON), it works just fine. The difference being the scene number, not the node designation (in my case 1D 38 C7 1).

Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong? I'd like to have a button from which I can brighten the lights at 3% intervals (/BRT) and one from which to dim them at 3% intervals (/DIM).


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Re: Insteon Lights Bright/Dim

Post by DemoPad » Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:26 pm

Space characters are not good things to have in URLs....try %20 instead of a space character (update: sorry, I see you already tried that, it did not format correctly in your post).

When specifying a username/password in a URL, it should be username:[email protected] is how you formatted the scene command which works, but your other examples show username@password:, which I wouldn't expect to work. Is that the issue?

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Re: Insteon Lights Bright/Dim

Post by rrehart » Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:03 am

Yep. That was the issue. ID-10-T error... :lol: Thanks.

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