Countdown timer

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Countdown timer

Post by rrehart » Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:12 am

Does anyone have an example of a working countdown timer page?


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Re: Countdown timer

Post by hengenl » Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:34 am

Yes this is easy to accomplish:

You juste have to use flags. For example if you are using a progress bar you chose an image, for example a gauge. Then you add for example 5 images, where every image represents a small progress bar. You put those progress bars one after the other. You give every bar a flag name, for example 1,2,3,4,5 and check the appear box under Reveal flag. Now when launching an activity you set the page where the countdown or progress bar is to on, and the page appears (a subpage will do just fine) . Then you set the flags 1-5 to on with an delay of 1 second between every flag. The effect being shown is a progress bar where every bar comes up after one second. The progress bar in this example takes 5 seconds to complete. Of course this example can be done using a countdown or whatever effect you want. The solution is to use flags correctly. Don't forget to turn this group of flags to off when the activity is loaded, because if you don't turn the flags to off the bars will be shown again while launching another activity.

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Re: Countdown timer

Post by trevorst » Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:44 pm

Would it not be easier to use a number control and just set the number every few seconds just like using a vol control feedback.

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Re: Countdown timer

Post by DemoPad » Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:06 pm

The flag approach is good for animations / timers which are not 'gauge like', eg a rotating egg timer, but the number approach is probably more efficient for simple progress bars, as it only requires 2 images to be uploaded for the gauge.

Either approach works - like most things in DemoPad there are several ways to accomplish the same thing...

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