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LED Graphics
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:07 pm
by limeyb**tard
LED Image files that I have used as a gauge replacement. The files are named to match the 2-Way output that a Denon receiver puts out following a volume change or in response to an MV? command.
Re: LED Graphics
Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:07 am
by starwarsmike
Thanks for the Graphics,
Can someone explain how use these? with feedback from Pioneer LX83? I have setup all Volume feedback already, but how do i get them working?
any help would be appreciated
Re: LED Graphics
Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:46 am
by starwarsmike
I have figured out how this is done using flags "only"
Presuming you have a AMP or something that gives you the volume feedback
1), Create a Folder In flags & call it AMPVOLUME
2), Create a flag for each volume level you have
3), Create your volume feedbacks, "Feedback Matches Specific data" for every volume level you have.
4), For every Volume feedback created in 3 (above), create an action
5), The Action = Set a flag, click on AMPVOLUME folder, should say group:AMPVOLUME
6), Set Command to Off
7), Then Add
8), Now select another flag eg volume -80 (within the AMPVOLUME folder, set to On, the add
9), Now repeat this for each volume level you have
10), Now download the LED Graphics
11), You will need to click on each LED button and go to SHOW in top menu, set flag to whatever the LED button is. Change the transition of each volume button to appear.
12), once done select all the labels and group, so All labels are sitting on top of each other.
Note this took me 4 hours to complete, so be patient......Its worth the time....looks great.