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iPad Pro not using the full screen
Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 8:39 am
by Pistol Pete
I have the new iPad Pro 11" (2020) and DemoPad doesn't use the full screen with it. In landscape mode it leaves about 1,5 cm wide black edges on both sides.
Is there a way to get it to use the full screen?
Re: iPad Pro not using the full screen
Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 3:39 pm
by DemoPad
Are you using the Autosize option for the project?
Re: iPad Pro not using the full screen
Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 10:24 am
by Pistol Pete
Yes, I'm using the Autosize option, but it doesn't change anything, DemoPad still uses the screen size of my previous iPad (iPad Air 2).
Re: iPad Pro not using the full screen
Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 8:34 pm
by DemoPad
Which version of the app are you using? CentroControl v ?
Re: iPad Pro not using the full screen
Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 11:00 pm
by manaman
I think it's because the iPad Pro 11" isn't the same aspect ratio as other iPads (4:3 I think). Hence the bars on the sides. I use an iPad Pro 12.9" and there's a border around sides and top & bottom. I think unless an app has been specifically made to support the new iPad Pro aspect ratios it will do that, i.e. with all 4:3 iPad apps, which Centro Control is. On other iPads, even though they have higher resolution than 1024x768, they are still 4:3 aspect ratio so scale correctly and don't have this issue.
Re: iPad Pro not using the full screen
Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 8:25 pm
by Pistol Pete
I’m using CentroControl v. 2.3.2.
Re: iPad Pro not using the full screen
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 3:25 am
by gp56
I recently upgraded my iPad mini 4 to a 6. My project uses the same screen area as it did in the 4, so it’s not using the full screen. When I load the project to my iPad Pro 11 and 12.9 it does fill the screen, I’m stumped at this point! Auto size does nothing.
Re: iPad Pro not using the full screen
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 10:03 pm
by manaman
I came across this thread again and saw that I commented back in 2020, and much of it was waffle lol. I'm a 'bit' better at DemoPad now so let me try to clarify:
This is the deal: Some iPads are natively 4:3 aspect ratio (regardless of the resolution), AFAIK they are: iPad 1st gen - 9th gen, iPad mini 1st gen - 5th gen, iPad Air 1st gen - 3rd gen, iPad Pro 9.7", iPad Pro 10.5", iPad Pro 12.9" all gens (to date).
Some are not 4:3, i.e. they are slightly more 'widescreen' than 4:3. More like 5:3 or something. These are: iPad mini 6th gen, iPad Air 4th gen onwards, iPad Pro 11" all gens. These iPads will show black bars on the left and right.
The issue is, DemoPad currently does not support any aspect ratio other than 4:3 for iPad projects, and auto-size won't help, as it will just auto-size within the 4:3 space. DemoPad (i.e. Demopad Designer and Centro Control) currently aren't 'aware' of these newer non-4:3 models. Support for these aspect ratios needs to be added by DemoPad themselves. Hopefully they will, but it should be noted that this will bring a new set of issues to deal with to cater for all the new aspect ratios, for those who don't like to use auto-size (like me!) as stretching everything just messes with my UI design (I'm quite OCD about my UI design and auto-size just doesn't cut it).
I'm confident it will happen, in good time. I too am desperate for full 'custom' page size support and am waiting patiently, and have even spoken to them a fair bit about it.