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2-way behavior with Data

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:41 pm
by cv27
In a 2-way Data condition, I can receive the following 2 responses:
error, not authorized

I suspect if I receive the second one, the first one will also be satisfied and their respective actions invoked; or, going down sequentially through the conditions, will the matching stop at the first satisfied match?

Re: 2-way behavior with Data

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:19 pm
by DemoPad
Both will be satisfied, and both sets of actions will occur. Feedback conditions are tested for in the order they are entered in the software, but the software does not stop checking if it finds a match - it runs through all conditions.

Re: 2-way behavior with Data

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:44 pm
by rajkhurana

Is there anyway of converting a data i.e Partly cloudy from a 2 way feedback to convert to a number which triggers a flag or go directly from feedback to flag?

I can send the data to a label ok.


Re: 2-way behavior with Data

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:18 pm
by cv27
I suspect I may not have clearly understood the question or else...Why not have a 2-way feedback action that sets a flag or number?

Re: 2-way behavior with Data

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:45 pm
by rajkhurana
Hi Thanks for replying back to me.

Basically I have 2 way feedback that sends back the weather condition. i.e Partly Cloudy. So if the feedback is Partly Cloudy then I want the system to bring up an image of a Partly cloudy and if its rain image of rain and so on.

So I can see the partly cloudy show up on the label but I want some way to use a flag which allows an image to represent the weather.

I hope that made sense :(

Do you know of way to use text to send a flag?


Re: 2-way behavior with Data

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 10:27 am
by DemoPad
You need to specify the text coming back, so rather than doing:

weather=(.*) for example, which might pull out 'Party Cloudy' to a label with a pattern match, you'd have a specific data feedback condition:

weather=Party Cloudy - and then double click to add an action which would be to set the partlycloudy flag to exclusively on, and use that flag to show the image.