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Drop down List to set a Label

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:04 pm
by rrehart
I would like to set up a drop-down selection list on a page in order to set a value of a label. So, for instance:

If I have a drop down list of:

If I Click (select) "ItemA", the Action would be to Set a Label [EXAMPLE] Data:12345

How do I create the Drop Down List to view on the page and select a given item from it? Is that possible?

Re: Drop down List to set a Label

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:09 am
by DemoPad
Yes - Create a button, and assign the label to it. When you tap the button, show a subpage which has say 4 buttons on it, each with a different list option. When any of those buttons is tapped, change the label to the appropriate value, and hide the subpage.