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iTach sensor

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:39 pm
by ChrisB75
Hi, sorry, me again! :) The iTach WIFI2IR inputs can be set to accept a sensor which I have done and sending the command getstate,1:1 in Hercules returns a value state,1:1,0{0D}. I have set up 2 way feedback setting flags for state,1:1,0{0D} and state,1:1,1{0D} with maintain constant connection but it is not working. I think its to do with the format the command is sent - if I put anything other than getstate,1:1 in Hercules, e.g. getstate,1:1\xOD, it comes back with an error message - ERR_1:0,003{0D}. Equally, after sending getstate,1:1 in Hercules, if I don't press the return key quickly, it also comes back with error message ERR_1:0,003{0D}. I've tried sending the command without any command suffix in Demopad but still no luck :?
Any help would be much appreciated....

Re: iTach sensor

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:55 pm
by DemoPad
In DemoPad the default command suffix should be \x0D\x0A,and the response terminator for feedback should be \x0D

You should be looking for :


as the feedback responses. The {0D} is just Hercules's way of saying there is a \x0D at the end, which is our response terminator.

In Hercules, hex characters need to be entered in $ format, eg $0D not \x0D, so the command:


is what you would use in Hercules

Re: iTach sensor

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:25 pm
by ChrisB75
Hi, thanks for the reply - managed to get it working :D