Mazze wrote:Hej,
Did anybody use the LW-12 WIFI LED CONTROLLER whit the DemoPad ?
i Need the Device files incl the commands !!
her is the Controller: ... ge_o00_s00
the most Information is, that a lot has code it whit perl. but i dont can do this
i hope any has Information .
Hi Mazze,
This is not a answer to you're question but perhaps i can give you a little information on controlling lights.
I bought a Raspberry Pi + RFXcom433 trancereceiver, and wil use Domoticz as controller to controlle / dim lights.
Cause Demopad is able to send commands to the RPI.
You may do a search on how to do this, and you will find out, that is possible to make a working domotica installation for less money
Right now iám into know Demopad, Linux and Python.