VU+ IP control?

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VU+ IP control?

Post by lee_gbr » Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:16 pm


I'm trying to get y vu+ solo2 working with demopad but i cant seem to get any joy. its an enigma2 box so I was thinking maybe if anyones had any success with either vu+, dreambox or any other enigma2 boxes could give me some help.

There is a vu+ player android app which allows the box to be controlled via IP so it shouldnt be too much agro getting it working. also I've got the following hardware that im trying to integrate

onkyo tx-nr708
panasonic UT30
Panasonic BTD DMP 110 Blu Ray
VU+ Solo2
Optoma HD200

Has anyone got any experience with the above and have any IP commands, Ive got the XBMC and some Onkyo ones working but was wondering if anyone had any more commands for XBMC (jump to music, video etc).

Thanks for any help

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Re: VU+ IP control?

Post by member_293 » Mon Sep 02, 2013 6:36 pm

Sorry for my english, because it's not my mother tong.
There is two solution
For control the Vu+ you can use the "send a command". For exemple you create a device with the ip adress of the vu+and you put on the IR code area :
GET /web/remotecontrol?command=2 HTTP/1.0\x0D\x0A
This is the code for the digit 1
For power on the code is
GET /web/remotecontrol?command=1 HTTP/1.0\x0D\x0A
For power OFF the code is
GET /web/remotecontrol?command=0 HTTP/1.0\x0D\x0A
Only the number after command = change.
You can find a WKI in the web with all the command.
The other solution is to use "send data to a website" and in web data area you put :
http://ip adress of the vu+/web/remotecontrol?command=1 for power on
the two works but sometime the second is faster.

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